Trademark Challenges: Swords and Shields
Golan Christie Taglia’s Intellectual Property Group hosts a successful webinar on Thursday, May 16th. The webinar, titled ‘”Trademark Challenges: Swords and Shields” was led by partners Beverly A. Berneman and Sarah K. Dunkley and senior associates, Kimberlee M. Jones and Anthony J. Wenn. The attorneys lent their wide array of knowledge and covered a variety of topics from issuing and defending cease and desist letters, ex parte challenges to trademarks before the United States Patent and Trademark Office and defending office actions. Those who attended the informative webinar received CLE credit.
It’s not too late to watch the recording and receive credit. You have until 5/30/24 to watch the recording and email Taylor Saucier ( with your ARDC number to receive credit.
Intellectual Property Group Webinar: Dangerous Intellectual Property Myths
Program Materials