Joseph S. Trytten chosen to speak on the American Bar Association’s Real Property, Trust, and Estate’s Section’s 36th Annual National CLE Conference

May 6, 2024

Golan Christie Taglia is pleased to share that associate, Joseph S. Trytten, has been invited to sit on a panel for the American Bar Association’s Real Property, Trust, and Estate’s Section’s 36th Annual National CLE Conference in Washington D.C. On this panel, he along with three other attorneys will discuss the pitfalls in negotiating fiduciary settlement agreements. Joseph’s focus during the panel will involve income and estate tax, foreign asset tax, and foreign asset compliance issues that arise in settlement negotiations.

The panel will be held on May 10th in the South American room at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C. from 10:30-11:30am.

Congratulations, Joseph, on this accomplishment!

Golan Christie Taglia, with 30 years of dedicated service, has consistently delivered successful outcomes while prioritizing top-tier quality and personalized attention for clients. With a diverse clientele that includes entrepreneurial ventures, high-net-worth individuals, middle-market businesses and nonprofit organizations, GCT stands as a strong and trustworthy firm for its clients.

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