Spring/Summer 2018 Update

    Beverly A. Berneman

    The last word sometimes isn’t really the last word. Here’s what happened after some previous posts: %CUT%

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    The Intrepid Heroes of Copyright, Photographers

    Beverly A. Berneman

    No group of artists suffers copyright infringement more than photographers. %CUT% Professional and amateur photographers post their photos on the Internet to proudly display their work. Photographers have a hard time reigning in unauthorized uses of their photos. It’s hard to track unauthorized downloads, hard to find the downloaders and the damages are usually not pursuing given the costs of litigation. That’s why VHT, Inc.’s $8.3 million judgment against Zillow Group, Inc. deserves acknowledgement. VHT licenses its photos of properties that are for sale to real estate agents. The real estate agents have a license to post the photos for marketing purposes. Zillow’s infringement resulted from use of the photos outside the scope of the license in two ways. First, it left the photos on its website even after the properties were sold. Second, Zillow posted the photos on its “Diggs” website which provides home design and improvement services.

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