Senior Associate

GCT Sponsors 2024 WIPR Summit

March 21, 2024

Golan Christie Taglia is pleased to share that the firm sponsored the World Intellectual Property Review (WIPR) Summit, which took place on March 20 – 21 in Chicago. The two-day conference brought together leading intellectual property professionals as they shared case studies and best practices for overcoming the biggest obstacles facing the industry from across the IP lifecycle.  

The event contained visionary presentations, interactive panel discussions and deep-dive discussion groups. Senior associates Kimberlee M. Jones and AJ Wenn led a roundtable discussion entitled “Another Bite at the Patent Apple,” and Kim additionally moderated a panel, “The Growing Importance of Trade Secrets.”  

WIPR provides news and guidance on the challenges facing businesses and legal practitioners active in intellectual property and publishes the latest developments on patents, trademarks and copyright.

Golan Christie Taglia, with 30 years of dedicated service, has consistently delivered successful outcomes while prioritizing top-tier quality and personalized attention for clients. With a diverse clientele that includes entrepreneurial ventures, high-net-worth individuals, middle-market businesses and nonprofit organizations, GCT stands as a strong and trustworthy firm for its clients.

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