• Benefits Bulletin

    IRS Announces Painless Retirement Plan Fix

    Andrew S. Williams

    What can you do if your retirement plan operations don’t square with the provisions of your plan document?

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    Happy Holidays™ or ®?

    Beverly A. Berneman

    As the holiday season ramps up, a question arises. Can someone own a holiday trademark? Many have tried with various levels of success. The successful registrations don’t try to corner the market on holiday greetings. Here are some examples.

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    Do Not Pass Go and Do Not Collect License Fees

    Beverly A. Berneman

    Qualcomm is a leader in the market of wireless chip connectivity that every cell phone needs. Qualcomm holds patents related to 3G, 4G and 5G networking technology as well as other software. Qualcomm demanded a license fee for every device that connects to a cellular network. In other words, all cell phones. It forced its customers, like Apple, to enter into patent license agreements for Qualcomm’s technology; even if the customer was using a chip manufactured by someone else, like Intel.

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    Landlord’s Blind Eye Causes Sunglasses Burn

    Beverly A. Berneman

    Luxottica Group S.A. owns the trademark, Ray-Ban, and its subsidiary owns the trademark, Oakley, for sunglasses. According to Luxottica, International Malls’ subtenants were selling counterfeit Ray-Bans and Oakleys. Luxottica sued the landlords for trademark infringement. The landlords defended the action asserting that they aren’t the infringers; their subtenants are.

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