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Intellectual Property Alert – Trademark Watch Service Solicitations

January 24, 2024

If you have a registered trademark or a pending application, you may receive an email from a company warning you about someone else who is trying to register your trademark. If you read further, the email will tell you about the importance of using a trademark watch service to monitor potential conflicts with your trademark. 

We’ve looked into these emails. The only variable information is the addressee and the addressee’s trademark. When following the links in the email, it becomes clear that the sender is selling trademark watch services.

We have no information about whether the sender has done any due diligence into the addressee’s trademark. The text of the solicitations is identical. The emails appear to have been generated automatically and without any direct information about the “someone else” who is trying to register the subject trademark. Therefore, we advise caution when receiving a similar email.

What to Do if You Receive an Unsolicited Email about Your Trademark

1. Read the solicitation carefully to determine the nature of the solicitation.

2. Contact a trademark attorney to evaluate whether the solicitation requires further action.

Golan Christie Taglia LLP’s Trademark Watch Service

Golan Christie Taglia LLP offers automatic and complimentary trademark watch services to all trademark clients. We alert our clients if an application or proceeding in the USPTO might put the client’s trademark at risk. We do not charge for the watch service unless further action is required (e.g. a cease-and-desist letter, an opposition to registration, etc.).

If you have any questions or would like to have an attorney help you with any Intellectual Property matters, feel free to contact the attorneys in GCT’s Intellectual Property Practice Group:

Beverly A. Berneman, IP Practice Group Chair, 312-696-1221,

Kimberlee M. Jones, Attorney, 312-696-1369,

Anthony J. Wenn, Attorney, 312-696-1368,


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