Fair Use Doesn’t Mean Every Use

    Beverly A. Berneman

    Two Federal Appellate Courts are duking out whether putting your own spin on someone else’s copyrighted work is enough for a fair use defense. The Copyright Act gives us four factors to look at for fair use: (1) the purpose of the use; (2) the nature of the work; (3) how much of the work is used; and (4) the effect the use has on the market for the original work.

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    What is the McLikelihood of McConfusion Anyway?

    Beverly A. Berneman

    McDonalds Corporation won a victory before the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) against a food company named McSweet LLC. McSweet wanted to register its name for pickled vegetables. McSweet argued that the mark was a play on the company founder’s name, Leo McIntyre. The TTAB rejected the argument. It held the public is likely to associate “McSweet” with McDonald’s family of “Mc” marks. The TTAB also rejected McSweet’s argument that no one would be confused between fast food and pickles.

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    Welcome to IP News for Your Business

    Beverly A. Berneman

    Intellectual Property. Patents, copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, domain name, right of publicity! I know what you’re thinking. What do these things have to do with my business? This blog is going to answer that question. In short bites, I want to let you know what’s going on in the legal world around Intellectual Property. For an Intellectual Property geek like myself, that can be enough. But, I’m going to take it one step further. I’m going to give you a TAKE AWAY that shows how this news helps your protect your business and make it more productive. My posts will be relevant to your business whether your revenues are $500,000 a year or $5 million a year.

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